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Дата и час: Вто Юни 04, 2024 12:26 pm

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 Заглавие: Зов за помощ
МнениеПубликувано на: Сря Яну 20, 2010 4:01 pm 
Украински и Руски пилоти търсят помощ и подкрепа чрез подписи за да спасят тяхната планина. Изглежда проблемът с Расник си има аналог и на други места.

Вчера във форума Hang Gliding BG се регистрира украински пилот и поиска помощ
Може би някои от нашите парапилоти са летяли там и имат отношение. Прехвърлям линковете тук за да има по-голям ефект, ако има желаещи да подкрепят борбата.
Събират подписи от цял свят. Дано успеят да спасят баира

Това е техният зов: Dear friends!

The birth place of Soviet and Ukranian aviation, one of the largest centers of free flight and one of the main sightseeing places of Crimea, Klementyeva (Uzun-Syrt) mountain is in serious threat.
The local authorities (Kirovsky District of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea) is about to hand about the half of the Uzun-Syrt mountain and nearby territories to private owners for constructing and further resale. If the plans come true, the unique natural and historical landscape is going to be lost, and the place, holy to many people related to aviation, is going to disappear.
An initiative group was organized by Ukranian and Russian pilots in order to draw public attention to the problem and to request the Ukranian authorities to stop the seizure of the unique historical, cultural and aerial site.
We are receiving support from different parts of the world from people of varios backgrounds and occupations. Among them - many prominent pilots, aircraft designers,
A petition has been written in order to highlight the role of the Uzun-Surt in the development of aviation, the names of the greatest pilots and aircraft designers who worked at different flying schools and research centers based at Uzun-Surt since 1920s, the significance of the mountain these days as an international center of non-powered flights, and the most suitable place in Ukraine for international paragliding and hang-gliding competitions, as well as contribution into the growth of the tourism industry in Crimea. It’s further claimed in the compellation that the Crimean’s agricultural and building sector can successfully progress without breaking the ecology balance, without ruining the historical legacy, and without harming aviation, sport and tourism. The group asks the authorities to stop the takeover of Uzun-Syrt and to assign it a special status preventing such cases in the future to save Uzun-Syrt for future generations.
An appeal to the Ukranian leaders (only in Russian yet, sorry) may be signed here.
Passing the word further will be more than welcome!

Russian TV reports on Mount Klementyeva problem. Subtitled version is a courtesy of Jane Moroz
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHAbX6oS ... r_embedded

On http://www.klemuha.ru/podpisi.html you can leave the signature in support of the reference to the authorities of Ukraine

First field - your Name, Surname
second field - where are you from (country, city)
third field - Your trade, occupation
Fourth field - your contacts (e-mail, phone number)
The privacy is garanted.
fifth field - hangglider or paraglider you are flying

Thank you.
Sorry for my english


Все мы с тревогой узнали о планах властей Кировского района Автономной республики Крым передать часть территории Горы Клементьева в частные руки под застройку. Если эти планы осуществятся, мы потеряем наш родной дом - ведь для многих поколений пилотов-парителей Клемуха - это неотъемлемая часть их жизни, часть души.
Больно думать, что стремление к наживе нескольких людей может лишить мир такого чуда, как наша Гора.
Cайт http://www.klemuha.ru/ создан для того, чтобы рассказать о Горе - ее истории, красоте и о людях, для кого она когда-то стала домом, и которые сегодня вновь и вновь возвращаются к ней, чтобы черпнуть жизненной энергии, ветра и солнца.
Инициативная группа пилотов подготовила обращение к руководителям Украины и Крыма с просьбой предотвратить расхищение колыбели авиации, и придать Горе соответствующий статус.
На сайте http://www.klemuha.ru/ Вы можете познакомиться с текстом обращения и подписать его (http://www.klemuha.ru/podpisi.html).
Гора очень много дала нам, а теперь ей нужна наша помощь!

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